
Who am I?

Musician, Programmer, Linux Geek and what not.  more...

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About: Aebian

Alexander / Aebian

Name: Alexander
Birthday: May 10th
Nicks: Aebian / Robbe
Languages Spoken: English / Danish / German
Favorite Food: Sushi / Fish
Activities: Running, Biking, Cooking and IT Stuff
Favorite Guitarist: Dave Mustaine
Favorite Bands (only some of the many): Megadeth / Judas Priest / Iron Maiden / Shark Island / Van Halen / Rammstein / Sabaton / Mötorhead / Corroded / Commander / Chopped In Half / Volbeat / Panthera / Billy Talent / blink-182 / Sum 41 / Rise Against
Favorite Movies: Stargate / Black Hawk Down / Lone Survivor / American Sniper
Favorite Shows: Stargate (all) / Star Wars / The Mandalorian / Book Of Boba Fett / The Bad Batch / Airwolf / Knight Rider (2008 & 1982) / McGayver (1985 only)
Favorite Actors: Benedict Cumberbatch / Jason Momoa / Tom Hiddleston / Sebastian Stan

Hi, my name is Alex and I'm a developer from planet earth who loves IT in general and built my first pc when I was around nine years old.
I hold a master degree in IT: Application Development and work for Canada's largest software company where I help our customers to operate their systems smoothly.
Hardware always fascinated me so I'm still using a custom made rig for gaming which can be found on this link

I'm not a full stack developer which means I couldn't do programming 24/7 my whole life. So I mess with both, hardware and software so I get my variety in IT.
When I'm not dealing with IT things then I go for a ride with my bike, go for a run or do cooking. I like the japanese and canadian cuisine a lot.
In fact my first job I did after high school was cook in a five-star restaurant and I did a lot of this stuff also at home in my spare time.

After that I made my master's degree. My favorite operating system is Linux and the distro is of course Debian.
I daily drive a macbook as my main machine as it combines the linux and enterprise world for me Besides that I have a windows ganming rig for some gaming sessions if need be.

I hear a lot of hard-rock, metal and rock. My main-genre can be considered Power Metal I guess. Nonetheless I sometimes also listen to other stuff.
Some of my favorite artists are listed above, albeit the list is nowhere near to completion.

In case of contact, use the fastest way to get a response, contact me on Discord or join either the Libera, OFTC, QuakeNet or Freenode IRC network and write me @aebian.
Or join the channel #nethavn on the Libera Network.
PS: I'm also available on Twitter , GitHub , LinkedIn , Reddit , LastFM , SoundCloud , and Discord .

My public key can be found here
My discord unique ID is 245895777174552576 (I have no other accounts on there.)

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