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Automated Installation of RSAT Tools via PowerShell

Ever wanted to install the RSAT tools without a manual download and click action? Here's how.

Hi folks,

This small post will cover the process how to automatically install the RSAT tools on a 1809 or 1903 build.
With modifications this will likely work on older versions too but I haven't tested it.

What you need is this "little" script:

Once saved you can open a command prompt and execute it. You will likely need to bypass the Execution-Policy as the cript is not digitaly signed. To do so type the following:

Set-ExecutionPolicy -Scope Process -ExecutionPolicy Bypass
Then you can run the script like any other powershell script. The script takes several arguments:

Install RSAT features for Windows 10 1809 or 1903

Install RSAT features for Windows 10 1809 or 1903. All features are installed online from Microsoft Update thus the script requires Internet access

Installs all the features within RSAT. This takes several minutes, depending on your Internet connection

Installs ADDS, DHCP, DNS, GPO, ServerManager

PARAM ServerManager
Installs ServerManager

PARAM Uninstall
Uninstalls all the RSAT features

If you recieve the error WARNING: Add-WindowsCapability failed. Error code = 0x800f0954:
Run "gpedit.msc" and go to: Computer Configuration\Administrative Templates\System\Specify settings for optional component installation and component repair

Set the value to enabled

But wait! There is even a one-liner available, why not use this? Answer:

Over and Out
