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Check for Code Errors: Sublime Text 3 and the SublimeLinter Package

Want to automatically check your code for errors? No problem, SublimeLinter got you covered.

Greetings folks,

In this blog post I will be demonstrating how you can automatically check your code for errors, using Sublime Text 3 and the SublimeLinter package.

What do you need?

  • Sublime Text 3
  • SublimeLint package
  • language extension for SublimeLint (the code you want to check for errors)

In this example I'm using the SQF language to check for errors.

First press CTRL + SHIFT + P to open up the Package Manager

Select Package Control:Add Repository and add as new repo.

Now select Package Control: Install and search for SublimeLint

Install the package and you should recieve the Package Control Message

The next part is now to get a linter plugin

Press CTRL + SHIFT + P again to open up the Package Manager

Select Package Control:Add Repository and add as new repo.

Now select Package Control: Install and search for SublimeLinter-contrib-sqf

Next step: Gtab the sqfc executable and install it on your OS. And also make sure the patch the the excutable is in the system's path variable:

Then run the sqfc_updater.exe To get the required DLLs.

That's it. Done!